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BAföG + Finances

BAföG + Finances

YOU DON'T have much time right now?

File an informal application now. Once you have submitted all the necessary documents, BAföG will be assigned from the date of your informal application!

Bafög Application Online

Filling out the online application

  • validity check during and at the end of the process
  • assistance when filling in
  • less mistakes mean faster processing
  • you can interrupt and save your data
  • encodable by password
  • You can save it on a USB stick for security reasons

SUBMITTING the online application

One your documents and data are complete and plausible, you can download the forms (or you have filled in the form in writing). For a complete application you need to submit several forms and further documents (such as your enrolement certificate and (very often) your parents' tax assessment.)

Printed and by Mail

This is the application of the Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst (Ministry of Science, Research and Art), Baden-Württemberg. An application assistant will help you fill in the form.

BAföG Application Paper Form

Here you find the complete applications and forms. You can print them and send them in.


ALL CUT FORMS (German Only)