People from many nations study at the university and the colleges. We support the internationalisation of the university locations by providing housing and creating places of encounter and understanding.
We offer individual consultations via ZOOM. No appointment necessary.
Every tuesday from 2–3 p.m. CET
ZOOM-Link here
Meeting-ID: 882 2968 8889
Kenncode: 813865
Housing Information German/English
To ensure harmonious cohabitation, you are asked to adhere to the house rules of the student residences of the Studierendenwerk. You will receive a copy when you move in so you can read up on anything from silent hours at night to lost keys.
Download PDF (2 MB)
Student Residence Dictionary
How do you explain to an international student the German waste separation system? What is "Putzplan" or "Hausmeister" in English? These answers and more can be found in the beautifully illustrated student residence dictionary created and distributed by the German National Association for Student Affairs (Deutsches Studentenwerk or DSW) to all Studierendenwerke. It gives international students an overview of what living in a student residence of the Studierendenwerk looks like, with text and images explaining topics like internet access, cooking, parties, laundry and moving out.
German – English – Chinese
German – French – Arabic
German – French – Spanish
German – Polish – Russian
The Psychosocial Counseling Service (PBS) of the Studierendenwerk offers counseling in English as well. In case you are interested in an individaul consultation, do not hesitate to contact the PBS via e-mail.
You may find general information concerning higher studies in Germany on the Make it in Germany website, as well as the Federal Ministry of Education and Research's website.
Even more study information is available at study in germany.
The Ministry for Science and Research offers specific information concerning studies in Baden-Wurttemberg.
There are various types of institutions of higher education in Germany:
You can find an overview of all degrees and courses offered in Baden-Wurttemberg in the following databases: Studieninfo Baden-Wurttemberg.
Residence status
In principle, the residence status is not relevant for admission to studies. You can also study with a Duldung or Aufenthaltsgestattung, i.e. it is theoretically possible to start studying even during the asylum procedure. However, many other factors depend on the residence status, especially access to benefits, e.g. language courses.
German language skills
German language skills are one of the essential prerequisites for taking up a course of study.
The majority of undergraduate degree programmes (Bachelor, Staatsexamen, Diplom) are in German, and the required language level is usually C1 (European Framework of Reference). Proof of German language proficiency is usually provided by an academical examination called "DSH" or the Test-DaF examination.
Master's and doctoral programmes are often also available in English, in which case proof of language proficiency is also usually required. There are also individual Bachelor's programmes in English; information on these can be found on the websites of the universities.
An overview of international degree programmes in English can be found in the Higher Education Compass at
University Entrance Qualification
A higher education entrance qualification (HZB) recognised in Germany is required for admission to a German university.
The universities decide whether the foreign educational qualification is recognised during the application procedure. For applications to a university of applied sciences (HaW), the Studienkolleg Konstanz checks.
The Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg (DHBW) recognises certificates via its central recognition office in Stuttgart.
In Mannheim, there is recognition and qualification counselling for the Karlsruhe administrative district:
Intercultural Education Center Mannheim (Interkulturelles Bildungszentrum Mannheim gGmbH)
0 3, 1
68161 Mannheim
Maryam Shariat-Razavi
Gilda Zubovic-Sadri
Aleksandra Gasior
Daniela Bauer
Tel.: 0621 437731 -14/-15/-19
An initial check of the qualification can also be carried out online, at the information portal on foreign qualifications "Anabin" (database that provides information on the assessment of foreign educational qualifications) or on the website "Recognition in Germany":
Application for studies
The application for the degree programme must be accompanied by the certificate of higher education entrance qualification from the home country - either as an original or as a certified copy. The documents must be translated into German by a sworn translator.
Depending on the degree programme, further specific requirements may be added; these can be viewed on the websites of the universities.
For advanced degree programmes, e.g. Master's degree, proof of a Bachelor's degree is also required. Admission is then granted by the respective department.
The exact application procedure and application deadlines are explained on the website of the respective university.
The application deadlines for Bachelor's degree programmes with restricted admission are usually 15 January for the summer semester and 15 July for the winter semester. Other application deadlines apply to degree programmes leading to a state examination and Master's degree programmes; these can be viewed on the websites of the universities.
The application procedures and application deadlines of the universities differ considerably in some cases!
Recognised refugees can attend an integration course, which is financed by the state and concludes with language level B1. People with good prospects of staying (from Syria, Iraq, Iran, Eritrea) can apply to attend this course during the asylum procedure. In order to reach the language level C1 required for most courses of study, an intensive language course is usually necessary. These are offered by various providers such as language schools, adult education centres or the Goethe Institute.
Since these courses are cost-intensive, financing is often a problem. It is possible to enquire about funding for a language course at the Job Centre as part of the vocational qualification process, but there is no guarantee.
Recognised persons entitled to protection can apply for funding for an intensive language course via the "Educational Counselling Guarantee Fund University". Special courses, preparatory courses and academic internships can also be funded through this fund (see Funding).
Some universities offer free language courses for refugees as a preliminary course to their actual studies. Information on these language courses can be found on the websites of the universities or their language teaching institutes.
Furthermore, there is the possibility of improving one's language skills through online offers. You can find free online language courses at, among others:
Deutsche Welle
Goethe Institute
A free placement test can be taken on onSET.
If the certificates for a degree (e.g. the Abitur certificate or a Bachelor's degree) cannot be proven or only incompletely, there are still possibilities to study at a German university.
For example, the so-called Delta examination can be taken to acquire a higher education entrance qualification. For refugees, it is also possible to take the exam without proof of a higher education entrance qualification. Passing the exam then entitles them to take up a Bachelor's degree programme. For Master's degree programmes, the individual departments also have the option of conducting their own admission tests.
Specific information can be obtained from the student advisory service of the respective university.
If the school-leaving certificate is only recognised to a limited extent in Germany, a preparatory course must be taken at a preparatory college (in German language "Studienkolleg"). There you will receive language instruction as well as subject-specific instruction that is adapted to your desired course of study. The preparatory course usually lasts one year and, if successfully completed, leads to the acquisition of a subject-linked higher education entrance qualification in the fields of social sciences, humanities, economics, medicine or technology. Information on admission requirements and documents to be submitted can be found on the preparatory college's websites.
In Baden-Württemberg there is a preparatory college in Heidelberg (for the universities), in Karlsruhe (for the universities and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology; only technology courses) and in Konstanz (for the universities of applied sciences).
The application for the preparatory college in Heidelberg and in Karlsruhe is made at the university where you want to study later, not directly at the preparatory college.
The website provides a good general overview of student financing.
The financing options depend on the residence status!
For recognised refugees
Recognised refugees (recognised persons entitled to asylum, refugees with refugee status or subsidiary protection according to § 23 para 1 and para 2 AufenthG) can apply for education funding according to BAföG directly after recognition.
Since 1 January 2016, tolerated persons and holders of certain humanitarian residence titles (§ 25 para 3, § 25 para 4 sentence 2, § 25 para 5) and persons with a residence permit for family reasons (according to §§ 30 to 34) can also apply for BAföG after a stay of 15 months.
If there is a basic entitlement to BAföG, the individual requirements (e.g. age limit, first degree) as well as all details on career and course of studies will be checked. It is therefore advisable to apply for BAföG while you are still in the preparatory phase of your studies, as it is possible that semesters you have already completed (even abroad) will be taken into account and thus deducted from your funding period. Questions about BAföG can be answered by the BAföG counselling service of your local Studierendenwerk.
Dropping out or changing your field of study is only irrelevant for further funding if this takes place at the beginning of the third semester. If you change your major after this time, BAföG will normally no longer be paid!
Educational Guidance - University Guarantee Fund
Within the framework of the Educational Guidance Guarantee Fund for Higher Education, the Federal Government supports recognised persons entitled to protection with a residence permit according to Section 23, para 1 and para 2 of the Residence Act who wish to continue their higher education studies or acquire the higher education entrance qualification in Germany.
The funded measures include attending intensive language courses to prepare for studies, special courses, preparatory courses and academic internships. Applications are submitted and examined at the counselling centres of the Educational Counselling Guarantee Fund University. An online form is also available.
The application for funding must be submitted no later than two years after entry or one year after recognition and the admission to funding must be received before the applicant reaches the age of 30.
There are foundations and programmes through which one can receive a scholarship under certain conditions. In most cases, a special talent and very good academic performance are required, but material need and social commitment can also be criteria for the awarding of scholarships.
You can find an overview of scholarships for foreign students and further links on the Education Server website. The DAAD scholarship database also offers a good overview.
Other databases for finding scholarships are the scholarship database of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the portal of the Association of German Foundations or the sponsorship organisations for the academically gifted (in German language "Begabtenförderungswerke").
So far, special funding programmes for foreign students have mostly been limited to people who were allowed to enter Germany for the purpose of studying and then want to return. However, some foundations also explicitly address refugees in Germany; these offers are listed on the respective websites.
For students who are about to graduate, the Studierendenwerk may be able to grant a "graduation loan". You can find out more about this at the financial counselling office of the relevant Studierendenwerk.
Work/student jobs
It is always worth taking a look at the notice boards of the institutes. Here you will find notices of job offers as well as internships and the like. Most student services organisations also offer job placement services. Germany-wide job exchanges that are specifically aimed at refugees are Welcome2work or Workeer.
Health insurance
As a student, you not only have to secure your livelihood, but also prove that you have health and nursing care insurance. Students up to the 14th semester, up to the age of 30 at the most, can insure themselves via the statutory health insurance for about 80 euros per month. You can find all the information on the website of the Central Health Insurance Fund.
For asylum seekers / persons in asylum proceedings
For refugees who are still in the asylum procedure, it is theoretically possible (under higher education law) to study, but in practice this is difficult due to the lack of funding and financing options.
People in the asylum procedure (with a residence permit) are excluded from most funding opportunities: there is no BAföG entitlement and there is no funding opportunity through the university guarantee fund.
People with "good" prospects of staying (from Syria, Iraq, Iran, Eritrea) can apply for admission to an integration course during the asylum procedure. Refugees from other countries do not have access to state-funded integration courses during the asylum procedure. In addition, there may be further hurdles such as residence requirements.
If someone has overcome these hurdles (and, for example, completed the DSH examination) and is admitted to study, he/she can continue to receive benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act within the first 15 months, even if he/she begins studying. However, if the asylum procedure has not been completed after 15 months, there may be gaps in funding, as there is no entitlement to BAföG or benefits under SGB ll or SBG Xll.
Most students live together with other people in shared flats. On the internet platform (and others) you can find many offers for shared rooms or flats, especially at the beginning of the semester (September/March). In addition, the website offers a flat-sharing service for refugees.
It is also worth taking a look at the advertisements in local newspapers. You can also find room or flat offers on the notice boards of the universities.
As soon as you are enrolled at a university or college, you can benefit from the offers of the local student union.
Most universities will offer the opportunity of partaking in their courses as a guest auditor. This will enable those interested to participate in the lectures and sometimes even seminars. Partaking in classes as a guest auditor usually won't require any qualifications and one can apply through the registrar's office. Some institutions will offer this opportunity free of charge for refugees.
Another option for taking up studies in Germany is through enrolling for an online program at the Kiron University. Through their program, one will complete the first two years of their undergraduate studies online and will learn German at the same time. Upon completion of all the relevant requirements one can transfer to one of their partnership campuses and complete their third year of undergraduate studies there.
The University of Applied Sciences of Lübeck has also created a program called oncampus. It is free of charge and enables students to acquire credit points by completing the classes taught online.
Every university has its own student advisory service that supports you in all questions about studying. There is also an International Office, which is particularly concerned with the needs of international students.
Counselling for young immigrants up to the age of 26 is offered by the Youth Migration Service. The Migration Advisory Service is responsible for advising adult immigrants.
If you would like to work in Germany with your degree, the IQ network offers personal counselling on the recognition of foreign vocational qualifications and additional qualifications.
Central Student Advisory Service at Ulm University
Helmholtzstraße 22
89081 Ulm
0731 50-24444
International Office Uni Ulm
International Office THU
Organiser: Studierendenwerk Ulm
Campus of the University of Ulm
Organiser: International Office of the University of Ulm
Information stands in the foyer in front of the canteen (11—14h)
Information about studying, internships and further education abroad, foreign partner universities, funding opportunities for a stay abroad, etc. will be presented for different target groups through numerous presentations.
In addition to the regular menu, the canteen has prepared a typical national dish for each day.
Institutions and initiatives such as the International Office, the Europe-Office Ulm (Europa-Büro Ulm), the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), the Department of Maths/Economics (Department of Maths/Wiwi), the Department of Biology/Biochemistry, the Coordination Office for practical semesters (Koordinierungsstelle für die Praktischen Studiensemester, also called KOORBEST), the Studierendenwerk Ulm and others will be presenting themselves with information tables in the foyer in front of the canteen during lunchtime.
On Friday evening, 17 May, organisations such as the Buddy Programme of the International Office, the Studierendenwerk Ulm, Erasmus + Friends, etc., which are committed to international students, will present themselves at a joint barbecue.
The Studierendenwerk Ulm will be represented on 15 and 16 May with information stands, supervised by Ms Lin Sun and Ms Parwinder Kaur, in front of the canteen. On 17 May, the Studierendenwerk Ulm will provide dishes free of charge and Ms Lin Sun will briefly present what the Studierendenwerk has to offer at the barbecue. The canteen offers typical dishes from the country.
Canteen at the University of Ulm
Organiser: International Office of the University of Ulm
The Buddy Programme brings experienced students together with new international students in teams of two. All participants of the programme can get to know each other in a relaxed, informal atmosphere. At the same time, this is an opportunity to gain information about events within the programme.
The Studierendenwerk Ulm will provide the canteen, snacks and drinks free of charge on the evening of the event. Ms Lin Sun will briefly present the services offered by the Studierendenwerk and will be available at the information table for questions and discussions.
Cafeteria at the Burren in Aalen University
Organiser: International Center of Aalen University and the Studierendenwerk Ulm
The event is combined with ceremonial presentations of international student awards: the DAAD Award 2018 for outstanding achievements of international students, the ISA e. V. Award 2018 Experiencing and Sharing Abroad and the ISA e. V. Award 2018 Buddy of the Year. Christmas concerts performed by international students and the university choir. A student from Colombia presents Christmas in her home country.
The Studierendenwerk Ulm will provide the cafeteria, Christmas biscuits and warm drinks free of charge on the evening of the event. Ms Lin Sun will be available at the information table for questions, discussions and an English-language Christmas quiz.
Cafeteria at the DHBW Heidenheim
Organiser: International Office of the DHBW Heidenheim and the Studierendenwerk Ulm
In addition to the regular menu, the canteen has prepared a typical national dish for each day. On 8 November, the information tables of the International Office, the Centre for Intercultural Competence and the Studierendenwerk Ulm will present information on foreign partner universities, internships abroad, language course offers, trainings, the buddy programme and services for international students, etc. International students also present their countries and home universities with information tables.
The Studierendenwerk Ulm is organising the project together with the International Office of the DHBW Heidenheim for the first time. Ms Lin Sun is in charge of the Studierendenwerk information table. The canteen offers typical dishes from the country.
Canteen at the University of Ulm
Organiser: International Office of the University of Ulm
The Buddy Programme brings experienced students together with new international students in teams of two. All participants of the programme can get to know each other in a relaxed, informal atmosphere. At the same time, this is an opportunity to gain information about events within the programme.
The Studierendenwerk Ulm will provide the canteen, snacks and drinks free of charge on the evening of the event. Ms Lin Sun will briefly present the services offered by the Studierendenwerk and will be available at the information table for questions and discussions.
18.8.2018 and 20.10.2018
Organiser: Studierendenwerk Ulm
Poster from 11.08.2018 German
Poster from 11.08.2018 English
Poster from 20.10.2018 German
Poster from 20.10.2018 English
The event brings students (especially international students) closer to the surroundings of the university location and promotes the exchange of German and international students in a relaxed atmosphere. It is an extension of the semester ticket offer of the Studierendenwerk Ulm at the University of Ulm, the Ulm University of Technology (formerly HS Ulm) and the Biberach University of Applied Sciences, therefore the student exchange is also supported by the three universities.
The Studierendenwerk Ulm conceives and organises the project.
Canteen at the University of Ulm
Organiser: ACSSU (Association of Chinese Students and Scholars in Ulm)
The "Chinese Spring Festival", also called the "Chinese New Year Festival", is the first and most important Chinese holiday of the year. This traditional event in Ulm is an intercultural bridge between Chinese and Germans or friends from all over the world. On this evening, traditional and modern Chinese culture such as singing, dancing, music etc. will be presented on stage.
The Studierendenwerk Ulm will provide the canteen free of charge on the evening of the event. Ms Lin Sun is in charge of the food stalls and helps with the organisation.
Canteen lunchroom at Ulm University
Event organizer: International Office of Ulm University
Flyer German / Flyer English
The meetings promote language partnerships between students with different levels of proficiency. In regular meetings the partners help each other learn a foreign language.
The tandem meeting is an opportunity to practice a foreign language and meet new language buddies.
The Studierendenwerk Ulm provides the venue (lunchroom of the canteen) as well as snacks and drinks free of charge. Ms Lin Sun briefly introduces the offers of the Studierendenwerk and is available at the info desk for questions and chats.
Lunchroom of the canteen at Ulm University
Event organizer: ACSSU (Association of Chinese Students and Scholars in Ulm)
The Chinese New Year is the most important Chinese public holiday. This event serves as an intercultural bridge between Chinese and Germans as well as friends of all nationalities and offers an extensive program including Chinese music, song, Tai Chi, costume (Qipao) show etc., provided by Chinese and Germans in the area.
The Studierendenwerk Ulm provides the canteen as venue. Ms Lin Sun hosts the evening.
Lunchroom of the canteen at Ulm University
Event organizer: International Office of Ulm University
The meetings promote language partnerships between students with different levels of proficiency. In regular meetings the partners help each other learn a foreign language.
The tandem meeting is an opportunity to practice a foreign language and meet new language buddies.
The Studierendenwerk Ulm provides the venue (lunchroom of the canteen) as well as snacks and drinks free of charge. Ms Lin Sun briefly introduces the offers of the Studierendenwek and is available at the info desk for questions and chats.
Lunchroom of the canteen at Aalen University
Event organizer: the International Center of Aalen University and the Studierendenwerk Ulm
Program flyer
Students from Spain, South America, India, China and the US represent their countries and universities at home with info desks and presentations. German students who completed a semester abroad in one of those countries share their experiehnces. The info desks of the International Center, Language Center and Studierendenwerk Ulm provide information on international partner universities, internships abroad, language courses and services for international students etc. Every day, the Mensa lunchroom offers a traditional meal from one of those countries in addition to the regular menu.
The Studierendenwerk and the International Center of Aalen University organize the project together for the first time. Ms Lin Sun hosts the info desk of the Studierendenwerk and coordinates the Chinese students. The canteen offers traditional meals from these countries.
Lunchroom of the canteen at Ulm University
Event organizer: International Office of Ulm University
The meetings promote language partnerships between students with different levels of proficiency. In regular meetings the partners help each other learn a foreign language. The tandem meeting is an opportunity to practice a foreign language and meet new language buddies.
The Studierendenwerk Ulm provides the event venue (lunchroom of the canteen) as well as snacks and drinks free of charge. Ms Lin Sun briefly introduces the offers of the Studierendenwek and is available at the info desk for questions and chats.
The ISIC is the only globally recognised proof of student status in over 130 countries. It is published by the ISIC Association, a non-profit organisation, and was officially recognised as an international student ID by UNESCO in 1968.
The authorised issuer for the Federal Republic of Germany is the rds.
Students are entitled to purchase the ISIC.
The virtual ISIC costs €18 and a plastic card can be ordered optionally for €4 plus postage. It has an internationally defined validity of one year from the date of issue.
The website presents national and international ISIC partners in the areas of travel, transport and accommodation, culture and entertainment, sports, shopping and gastronomy. You will also find online hardware and software offers, as well as reservation and booking tools.
The easiest way to apply for the ISIC is online at
University of Ulm
89081 Ulm
Helmholtzstraße 22
Tel. 0731 50 22014
Ulm University of Technology (THU)
89075 Ulm
Prittwitzstr. 10
Tel. 0731 50 - 28457
Aalen University
73430 Aalen,
Postal address: Beethovenstr. 1
Visiting address: Gartenstr. 135
Tel. 07361 576-1701
PH Schwäbisch Gmünd
73525 Schwäbisch Gmünd
Oberbettringer Street 200
Tel. 07171 983-225
HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd
73525 Schwäbisch Gmünd
Rector-Klaus-Strasse 100
Tel. 07171 602-633
Biberach University of Applied Sciences
88400 Biberach
DHBW Heidenheim
89518 Heidenheim
Marienstraße 20
Tel. 07321 2722-141
You cannot be enrolled in Germany without health insurance. You can find more information here.
Project "MOST KIND"
Mentoring OST-Wurttemberg – cooperative integration of international students
"MOST KIND" is a project of the state universities of Ostwurttemberg: Aalen University, Baden-Wurttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW), PH Schwäbisch Gmünd (University of Education) and HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd (University of Design) striving to integrate international students in university, society and the professional world. The program receives funding from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) as part of the PROFIN program.
China-Traineeprogramm /
Services for International Students
Intercultural success stories from German Studierendenwerken, from the first reception week to the regular's table to multicultural dinners.
Lin Sun
Coordinator for International Projects
Phone 0731 79031-5800
Dragana Bass
Contact person for refugees who are interested in studying
Phone 0731 79031 8000