Students who receive BAföG can apply for an exemption from the radio and TV fee.
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Saving doesn't necessarily mean to go without. Below are some useful tips for low-cost living.
Students who receive BAföG can apply for an exemption from the radio and TV fee.
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The ISIC is the only proof of student status that is recognized worldwide (in more than 130 countries). It is issued by a non-profit organization called ISIC Association and was officially recognized by the UNESCO as international student ID card in 1968.
Authorized issuer in Germany is the rds.
Eligible are full-time students as well as high school students who are at least 12 years old.
The ISIC costs €15 and has an internationally regulated validity of one year from the date of issue.
The website provides information on and links to national and international ISIC partners in the areas of travel, transport and accommodation, culture and entertainment, sports, shopping and gastronomy. The website also promotes discounted online offers for hardware and software as well as reservation and booking tools.
Issuing Offices:
Studierendenwerk Ulm
James-Franck-Ring 8
89081 Ulm
0731-50 23846
0731-50 23827
StuVe der Universität Ulm
Albert-Einstein-Allee 11
89069 Ulm
VS der Technischen Hochschule Ulm
Prittwitzstr. 10
89075 Ulm
STA Travel
Hafengasse 2
89073 Ulm
Students at universities that are serviced by the Studierendenwerk Ulm who find themselves in an unexpected, acute and temporary financial emergency can apply for meal vouchers for the Mensa lunchrooms of the Studierendenwerk Ulm, a scholarship for the semester contribution for new students as well as a hardship loan.
Particularly destitute students can apply for financial support through the social fund of the Studierendenwerk Ulm in the form of a limited amount of meal vouchers ("Freitische" for free meals in the Mensa lunchrooms of the Studierendenwerk). Applications for meal vouchers must be submitted in person to the social welfare officer of the institutionalized student body at the respective university. Application forms can be collected from the secretariat of the Studierendenwerk Ulm.
The Studierendenwerk Ulm consults with the institutionalized student body to come to a decision if and how many free meals are allocated.
Allocation Guidelines
Guidelines for the allocation of meal vouchers for the Mensa lunchrooms through the social fund of the Studierendenwerk Ulm (German only)
Where to apply for meal vouchers at the Universities:
AStA-Büro Fon 49 7361 576 - 2296
Schwäbisch Gmünd
AStA · A 017 EG Fon 07171 983 313
Uni Ulm
AStA, Sozialreferat Fon 0731 50 - 22401 Uni Ost, M25 / 2302
Technische Hochschule Ulm
AStA Tel. 0731 28132
Fachhochschule Neu-Ulm
Studierendenvertretung Fon 0731 9762 - 1991
Hochschule Biberach
StuPa Tel. 07351 582185
Prospective students from families who receive particular social security benefits (Arbeitslosengeld II [unemployment benefit], Sozialhilfe [welfare], Grundsicherung [basic provision], Kinderzuschlag [supplementary child benefit] according to § 6a BKGG, or benefits according to the AsylbLG [Asylum Seekers’ Benefit Act]) are often not able to pay the semester contribution that is charged upon enrollment.
The Studierendenwerk Ulm thus introduced in 2017 one-off scholarships for new students who fall into those categories to cover their semester contribution, which includes the Studierendenwerk fee, the administration fee of the respective university and the contribution to the institutionalized student body. The objective is to help prospective students whose families do not live close to the university and prospective students with migrant background to attend university.
Allocation guidelines
Guidelines for the granting of scholarships for the semester contribution for new students through the social fund of the Studierendenwerk Ulm (German only)
More information on applications for a scholarship for the semester contribution for new students can be collected from the secretariat of the Studierendenwerk Ulm.
The Studierendenwerk Ulm offers support in the form of an interest-free loan to students who find themselves in financial trouble through no fault of their own.
Allocation guidelines
Guidelines for the granting of hardship loans through the social fund of the Studierendenwerk Ulm (German only)
More information on applications for a hardship loan can be collected from the secretariat of the Studierendenwerk Ulm.
Most financial institutions and banks offer free student bank accounts if you show them your certificate of enrollment.
On or (both websites are in German) you can search and compare electricity (“Strom”) providers in Germany. Results can be sorted by zip code, electricity consumption, cancellation periods etc.
Many newspapers and magazines are available to students at a discounted price.
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Students often also receive discounts when purchasing software. We recommend that you contact the data center at your university for more Information.
Students up to 26 years can buy the BahnCard50 at half-price.
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The Tafelladen in Ulm, an institution of the German Red Cross, offers heavily discounted groceries to those with a Lobbycard.
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Sharing a ride saves both drivers and passengers money. The drivers receive a contribution to their travel expenses depending on the travel distance and number of passengers.
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It is worthwhile to keep your student ID card with you at all times to take advantage of the many discounted tickets for concerts, exhibitions, sports and cultural events. Theaters, museums and cinemas often offer discounted student prices as well.
Discounts and More Hints
Studium Ratgeber
Studenten Insider
Studis online
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